Weekly Math Freebie Round Up
Welcome to the weekly round up of FREE math teaching resources! Every week I share fun and engaging math lessons, worksheets and games to help you teach math confidently! Have a freebie to share with Math Geek Mama readers? Send me a link, I’d love to check it out! 🙂
Kindergarten-2nd Grade:

I love this adorable booklet of addition fact practice! This includes 28 pages to help little learners understand addition sums to 10.
This post from Smiling and Shining in Second Grade has some fun winter themed teaching ideas and includes some super cute math freebies, covering subtraction, telling time and mental math practice!
And this post has some adorable winter themed estimation pages! I know my kids would find this hands-on approach so fun!
3rd-5th Grade:

I love this fun twist on learning and understanding math vocabulary! It’s important for students to understand unique math vocabulary, and these “Math Acrostic Poems” let kids think creatively and explain terms in their own words. The download includes a large variety of math terms as well as a couple of examples.
And this post has a great freebie for working with the coordinate plane, including graphing practice and area and perimeter. (Just click on the graphic to get the freebie).
6th Grade+:
We have seen the new Star Wars movie twice, so I love this unique Star Wars Movies math investigation from Yummy Math! This could actually be used with kids as young as 4th-5th grade.
And if you’re planning to remember the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, you may want to use this math lesson to practice making equally spaced timelines, and reflecting on his life.
This post contains a huge list of Valentine’s Day math lessons, most of which cost $1.00-$3.00. There is a really cute Valentine poster that’s free though, and would make a fun, “mathy” valentine to pass out to friends. (Look for the link that says “y=mx b(mine) FREE valentines math poster). 🙂
Hope you found some useful and fun math teaching resources this week!
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