From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Our Plans for the Week {And FREE Math Worksheets!}
This week we will be learning first hand just what takes place when a caterpillar makes the transformation into a butterfly. To say my kids are excited is a bit of an understatement! 😉
Although I don’t usually have a theme for the week, with all the excitement surrounding our new critters, and the excitement to get outside and explore, I decided this whole week would be butterfly themed. First, we have a wonderful stack of books from the library, including:
From Caterpillar to Butterfly by Deborah Heiligman
Caterpillar Caterpillar by Vivian French
and Caterpillars by Marilyn Singer, which has some really amazing real-life photographs.
I also plan to have my daughter read the National Geographic book, Caterpillar to Butterfly as part of her read alouds this week, as well as writing what she observes in the life of our caterpillars.
And of course, we will be reading (probably more than once…)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
And to wrap up our study of coins, I’ve printed out the materials to make a coin-apillar from I’m sure that will be a fun math craft, as my daughter LOVES anything crafty, artsy, or drawing related. After that, we will be reviewing various math topics with these butterfly-themed math pages:
 One of the main things I want to review with her is counting by 5’s and 10’s when you’re starting at a number other than zero. This has proved to be the most difficult part of adding coins for her, so there are two pages in this download to allow for practicing these skills:
 This set also covers a variety of other kindergarten and first grade math skills, and is FREE to download!
{Click HERE to go to my shop to download the butterfly math pages!}
I hope you find these math practice pages useful! And let me know of any other ideas for learning about the butterfly life cycle! Have you ever watched caterpillars go through the process of metamorphosis in your classroom or homeschool? I’ll let you know how it goes over here, and hopefully get some pictures of our butterfly friends before we release them! 🙂
~Math Geek Mama
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