{FREE} All About Angles Worksheets: Classify & Measure Angles
Ready for your angles geometry unit? Whether you’re just getting started or looking for quick and easy review, this set of 8 angles worksheets covers a wide variety of vocabulary and skills.
There are so many fun, hands on math topics to explore in geometry. And the best part? It doesn’t have to wait until high school! Laying the foundation for high school geometry begins in upper elementary and middle school. Before students can understand relationships between the angles in a triangle, or discover exterior angles, they need to understand what an angle is. This free set of angles worksheets covers angle vocabulary, measuring angles with protractors, classifying angles and even spotting angles in real life.
Understanding Angles: Angle Vocabulary
Once students have been introduced to the idea of angles, it’s important that they learn some new vocabulary terms. This includes the following:
Right Angle: An angle measuring exactly 90 degrees
Acute Angle: An angle measuring less than 90 degrees
Obtuse Angle: An angle measuring more than 90 degrees
The above terms are the most common and terms students will likely learn first. These are important because these same terms are used to classify triangles based on their angles. Additional terms to know:
Straight Angle: An angle measuring exactly 180 degrees (easy to remember because it looks like a straight line!)
Reflex Angle: An angle measuring more than 180 degrees
Full Rotation: A complete circle, or an angle that measures exactly 360 degrees (you might relate this to snowboarding or ice skating and how they measure their spins)
As you teach and discuss these terms with your students, talk about how the math term relates to the everyday meaning of the term and how that can help them remember (for at least some of them).
For other terms, it will simply require lots of practice and exposure to get the terms and their meanings to stick.
Luckily, I’ve got several angles vocabulary worksheets to help you in this free printable pack!
Classifying Angles:
Once students know the terms, they can practice classifying angles based on their angle measures.
To help with this, this angles practice set includes a page to classify angles as acute, obtuse or right.
In addition, there is a page for students to create their own angles of various types. This is a fun way for students to better internalize what these terms mean as they think about what their examples might look like.
Students can either draw angles freehand based on what they know about each type of angle, or they can use a protractor to draw angles and label their exact measurements.
This is totally up to you!
Measuring Angles Worksheets
Another important skill for students is to learn how to measure angles using a protractor.
This is a completely new idea for most students, as their experience with measurement thus far has most likely been measurements of length or time.
Angles are measured in a new unit called degrees.
Spend some time looking at a protractor together, noticing and wondering things about it.
Talk about benchmark measurements such as 45 degrees, 90 degrees and 180 degrees.
Then talk about how they might estimate angle measurements based on certain benchmarks.
Lastly, ensure students understand that the measurement on the protractor can begin from either side, so they need to ensure they are starting at zero when they begin to measure.
Once students understand the basics of how a protractor is set up and how it works to measure angles, it’s time for practice!
You’ll find a worksheet to practice measuring angles in this printable pack, but you might also like this set of measuring angles puzzles!
Angles in Real Life:
Finally, to help students begin to see angles in the world around them and recognize this new and different form of measurement, you can look for examples of angles in real life.
Angles are all around us, so you might ask for students input, or here are a few ideas to get started:
- The angles formed by opening and closing a door (swing the door slowly on its hinges to watch as the angle changes
- Right angles used in buildings: door frames, windows, corners where two walls meet
- Ice skating, snowboarding or skateboarding tricks: look up some different tricks and consider the angles with your students
More Angles in Real Life:
This printable set of angles worksheets includes several more examples of real life angles for students to consider. This includes:
- Angles formed by the hands on a clock
- Angles found inside a variety of polygons
- Angles formed by everyday household objects
Download the FREE set of 8 Angles Worksheets:
This set of angles worksheets includes 8 pages, covering a wide variety of skills and vocabulary.
Included in the Download:
- Naming Angles Cut & Paste Worksheet
- Angle Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
- Classifying Angles Worksheet
- Draw Your Own Angles Worksheet
- Measuring Angles Worksheet
- Identify Angles in Polygons
- Identify Angles in Clocks
- Identify Angles in Everyday Objects
- Answer key for each worksheet
I hope this provides an easy way to learn & review these important geometry skills with your students.
Ready to try it out? Use the link below to grab this free download from my online shop!