Virtual 100th Day of School Math Activities {FREE Resources}

Looking for ways to make your 100th day fun and festive while teaching remotely? Find simple ways to include virtual 100th day math activities in your celebration.

The official date changes from year to year, but sometime in January we usually hit our 100th day of school. This is a fun milestone to celebrate and helps us to press on to finish the school year well. If you are meeting in person, you might like some of the ideas in this post: 100 Math Ideas for the 100th Day of School. But if you and your students are meeting online, there are still ways to celebrate virtually and make it fun! Below you’ll find a few ideas to get you started, as well as a FREE set of virtual 100th day math activities for Google Slides that you can incorporate as well.

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Virtual 100th Day Math Activities:

1. Read a Math Picture Book

During your Zoom or Google meet class time, one of the easiest ways to celebrate is by reading a fun math picture book to your students.

Here are some of my favorites to celebrate the 100th day or to learn more about counting to 100:

2. Share Groups of 100 Objects

If you teach younger grades, challenge your students to find 100 of something around their house and then share that during your virtual class time.

This could be pieces of cereal, pennies, LEGO bricks, Q-tips or cotton balls, etc. There are so many possibilities!

(Note: A slide is included in the freebie below to allow students to share a picture!)

3. Share Arrays of 100 Objects

For older students, challenge them to not only count to 100 but set up an array using those 100 objects. Then see if they can write a multiplication equation to match.

Learn more about exploring multiplication with arrays here.

Ready for more of a challenge? See how many different arrays they can make with 100 objects!

(Note: A slide is included in the freebie below to allow students to share a picture!)

4. Build or design something with 100 blocks

One of my kids favorite challenges is to build or design something with 100 LEGO bricks or 100 Pattern Blocks.

For more math extensions of this challenge, grab the free download here.

If you’re meeting virtually, kids can share their creations during your virtual meeting.

(Note: You can also find a slide for this challenge in the freebie below to encourage kids to share a picture of their creation! If students submit their pictures before your celebration, you can share them during your virtual class time as a slideshow.)

5. Get Creative with $100

A very simple math problem starter is to ask, “What would you do with $100?” This allows kids to think and dream about how they might spend $100, but also encourages number sense and challenges them to decompose the number 100.

As they share their ideas, ask them to split up their purchases to be sure they total $100.

And even if they don’t have a long list of purchases, challenge them to decompose $100 using the Google Slides in this freebie!

There are 3 levels of slides. The first slide includes whole tens as the first part.

The second slide includes whole numbers, but not just tens. They final slide includes both whole and decimal parts.

For example, $42.70 + ? = $100.

For more practice with making 100, try this simple card game.

6. Get Moving: How Long Does it Take to Do 100 Jumping Jacks?

Make sure students have room where they are, but let them take turns doing various activities 100 times (like jumping jacks, clapping, etc.) and timing each other. You can even display a timer on your screen so everyone can watch the clock while counting to 100.

The freebie includes 2 slides to keep track of your times. The first has the time in seconds. This is a great way to challenge students to convert the time to seconds (for example, 1 minute 25 seconds =85 seconds).

The second slide allows you to record the time in minutes and seconds.

7. Practice Skip Counting to 100

This idea may require a little prep on your part, but could be a fun way to practice skip counting together as a group.

Before class, gather 100 objects and group them into sets of 2, 5, 10, etc.

Two easy ideas are to use nickels and dimes to count by 5s and 10s.

Other ideas are:

  • Pipe cleaners or popscicle sticks grouped into bundles of 2, 5, 10, etc.
  • Small baggies with groups of objects such as cereal pieces or pennies

Then during your virtual class time, hold up each bag/bundle one at a time and allow your kids to count together to reach 100.

You can also provide independent skip counting practice with the free Google Slides. There are 2 slides to allow kids to practice counting by 10s to 100.

I hope this gives you some simple and fun ways to make this day special, even if you can’t meet with your students in person!

And don’t forget to grab the FREE set of Virtual 100th Day of School Math Games for Google Slides using the link below!

{Click HERE to go to my shop & grab the Virtual 100th Day Math Activities for Google Slides!}

Find more 100th Day of School Math Resources Below:

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