The Unexpected Impact of a Teacher

When I was in sixth grade, my teachers gave out superlatives to all the students as a fun way to remember everyone. While some were silly or funny jokes from throughout the year, mine was “peer tutor.” That is how my teachers saw me, because I was the kid who was circulating the room helping to answer other students’ questions!

And while I do love math (obviously), and many people tried to persuade me to pursue some other, more lucrative career with my math skills and degree, that was never even a question for me. I am a teacher. It’s in my DNA. It’s just a part of who I am and always has been.

Over the years, my love for teaching has only grown, and while there have been many hard days (both in the classroom as well as with my own children), the bottom line is this: teaching impacts lives.

When you are a teacher, whether in the classroom, as a homeschool parent or otherwise, you are impacting lives, sometimes in ways you don't even expect! We can all be grateful for the impact of a teacher on our life!

*Please Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and support the work of this site. Read our full disclosure policy here.*

I think that’s what I love the most.

Having opportunities to pour into students, to love on them and to help them succeed.

To watch and marvel as a child has a light bulb moment over a concept or question that seemed impossible.

To be there to answer questions about life and college and the real world as my seniors prepared for a brand new adventure.

Teachers have a unique opportunity to speak into kids’ lives in ways others can’t.

Teachers care so much for students’ success that they are willing to go above and beyond the call.

Because I had my children young and (very) close together, the ways that I have been able to teach have looked different over the years. I’ve been a classroom teacher, a private tutor, a substitute teacher and a homeschool mom.

But no matter the capacity, I have this need and desire and passion to teach. Whether it is to empower students to tackle math with confidence, or to raise my kids to be rock star readers who love God and His word, or to teach a Sunday school class at church, I have a desire within me to impact the world through teaching, even if it’s just one child at a time.

A few months ago, I was interviewed to teach at a wonderful and prestigious private Christian school. Everything about it sounded perfect. I could go back to teaching (which I always miss like crazy when I’m not in the classroom) and my kids could attend this school at a significant discount.

After a considerable amount of prayer, however, I turned it down.

As much as I miss teaching, and as much as I would love the opportunity to impact those kids and bring in some additional income for my family, I feel like right now, in this season of life, I need to be home.

And so, because I still have a desire to use my gifts and potentially bring in some extra income for my family, I started this website.

And you know what? Something amazing has happened!

I have been able to reach more parents, teachers and homeschoolers than I did when I was a classroom teacher! I’m able to help and encourage teachers and parents all over the world that I never would have had the opportunity to help otherwise!

I recently read the book, Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference, by Crystal Paine, and was so inspired and motivated to keep going.

Crystal knows what it takes to build a business, run a website and make a full time income from home, and so I appreciated her wisdom and encouragement.

Reading the book has given me so many other ideas to expand this site to be able to better help teachers, homeschoolers and parents, while also supporting my family.

But most of all, I was motivated to use my resources to make an even greater impact. She shares her family motto (which is now our family motto):

live simply

As a Christian, my greatest desire is to honor God with my time and energy and money, and my hope with this site is to be able to make enough money to fund some of the dreams that we have to impact the world for Christ.

Ultimately, as my site grows, I hope to make an impact by giving to meet the needs of people in my life and church, as well as around the world.

When you are a teacher, whether in the classroom, as a homeschool parent or otherwise, you are impacting lives, sometimes in ways you don't even expect! We can all be grateful for the impact of a teacher on our life!

Even though the way I teach right now does not look the way that I thought it would when I was “playing school” with my dolls as a kid, I am a teacher.

And I can still impact lives, encourage moms, equip classroom teachers and give generously to impact the world.

Here’s a quote from the book that sums it up for me:

“Life is ultimately not about the traffic numbers, the amazing marketing techniques, or the income generated. It’s about impact-the impact you make on the lives of others.”

~Money Making Mom

If you are a teacher (in any form), know that you are making a difference in someone’s life!

And if you would like to use your knowledge, love and passion to make a greater impact for your own family or in the world, I highly recommend reading Money-Making Mom. It is inspiring and so very practical. It’s full of tips, success stories and motivation to get out and make it happen! (Here are some money-making ideas to get you started!)

Teachers are unique and impact the world like no other. It might be your own child or grandchild, a classroom full of students, or just a neighbor kid who needs your help.

Whoever it is, know that you are making an impact on their life.

live for something bigger than yourself
source: Dana Herndon

What teachers have made a significant impact on your life? Please share in the comments and celebrate the amazing and hard-working teachers who have made a difference, big or small in your life or in the life of your child!

~Math Geek Mama

Photo Credit: Thomas Tolkien via Compfight cc

Mama's Happy Hive


  1. I never realised the impact a good teacher can have over children. Last year my son had a fantastic inspiring teacher, she really was great, we miss her. This year however has made me realise just how good she was, as his new teacher is not inspiring him at all sadly.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

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