{FREE} Robot Long Division Practice for 4th Grade+

My oldest is incredible at math. Even new concepts rarely require more than a five-minute conversation and he is ready to go off and try it. And when he comes back, surprise, he has them all right. But we have finally found his Achilles heel. Long division. It is one of the few skills that we have had to spend extra time on, and go back and practice regularly. Even though long division can be long and tedious, I have wanted it to be fun for him. So today I have some fun solve and color long division practice pages…because let’s face it. Even our older kiddos like to color.

Need a little quick and easy long division review? This cute set of robot coloring pages will give your kids some long division practice and is no-prep for you! Plus, grab some colored pencils and have fun coloring the robots after the math problems are solved.

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This is a guest post from Rachel of You’ve Got This Math.

Long Division Practice Prep-Work:

Oh, wait! There isn’t any! 🙂

Simply print off the pages you want them to work on, and provide colored pencils and pencils.

That’s it!

Solve and Color Long Division Practice Pages:

The worksheets in themselves are very self-explanatory. On the left-hand side are five long division problems. And on the right-hand side are pictures of fun cartoon robots and the answer or quotient.

Need a little quick and easy long division review? This cute set of robot coloring pages will give your kids some long division practice and is no-prep for you! Plus, grab some colored pencils and have fun coloring the robots after the math problems are solved.

All our big kids have to do is solve the problem, find the answer, draw a line to the matching answer, and of course, color in the robot!

Also included is a page of answers to all the problems, making this super easy for you!

Learn some strategies for teaching long division, and then grab the long division practice pages below!

Traditional Long Division Steps:

Now most of us know how to do the traditional division algorithm, but sometimes students need special reminders to help them remember all the steps. And there are some great ones.

Basically, what we want them to remember is that they need to divide, multiply, subtract, check or compare that the divisor is larger than the remainder, bring down the next number and of course start all over again.

That is a lot to remember, so these fun mnemonic devices help our children remember the steps:

Does McDonald’s Sell Cheeseburgers Raw?

These next two, leave off the check but are quite catching.

Dead Monkies Smell Bad

Dracula Must Suck Blood

Or you could always do this fun division rap.

Partial Quotients Division:

I always like to provide my students options. Everyone thinks about math differently, and if they are able to do mental math you may be surprised at the different ways they come upon an answer.

So should we only teach one method, when another way may be the key to unlocking a door for them?

As a public school teacher and now a homeschool mom, I would teach two or three methods. Once they had a pretty good grasp on both ways, I let them choose which one works best for them.

My oldest son has chosen to partial difference while my middle child prefers traditional subtraction.

He also prefers lattice multiplication, and partial quotients when dividing. I look forward to which method my middle child chooses.

How to do Partial Quotients

It may sound scary, but it is not.

Let’s look at this problem: 235/5.

We are dividing 235 up into five equal groups. In partials, we begin by looking at the 2 and asking ourselves what it really stands for.

Well, it stands for 200.

Our next step is to ask _____ x 5 = 200?

Now, this is the best part of partial products. As long as they don’t go over, it can be any number.

I can do 10 x 5 = 50 over and over again till I get the right answer:

Need a little quick and easy long division review? This cute set of robot coloring pages will give your kids some long division practice and is no-prep for you! Plus, grab some colored pencils and have fun coloring the robots after the math problems are solved.

Or we can do the easy way and say 40 x 5 = 200. Then we put it in the division problem like this:

Need a little quick and easy long division review? This cute set of robot coloring pages will give your kids some long division practice and is no-prep for you! Plus, grab some colored pencils and have fun coloring the robots after the math problems are solved.

Now, all we have left is 35. And we ask the question again. ____ x 5 = 35.

Well, we know that 7 x 5 = 35 so we write that under the 40.

Now, all that is left is finding the answer. And we do this by adding up all the factors in the right-hand side. And we see that the answer is 47.

It is that easy.

And if you want some easy partial quotients practice, this cut and paste activity is a great way to get started.

I hope your children have fun coloring while solving long division problems!

And if you want to know more about teaching long division, you might like this post:

Should we teach kids long division?

Need a little quick and easy long division review? This cute set of robot coloring pages will give your kids some long division practice and is no-prep for you! Plus, grab some colored pencils and have fun coloring the robots after the math problems are solved.

{Click HERE to go to my shop and grab the FREE Long Division Practice Pages}

You’ve Got This,


Rachel is a homeschool mom to four little ones, ages 2 to 6. She is a former public elementary teacher, and has recently begun blogging at her page You’ve Got This. You can also find her on Facebook and Pinterest.

Need a little quick and easy long division review? This cute set of robot coloring pages will give your kids some long division practice and is no-prep for you! Plus, grab some colored pencils and have fun coloring the robots after the math problems are solved.

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