Weekly Math Freebie Round Up
Welcome to the weekly round up of free teaching resources from around the web! Each week I share my favorite ideas, free lessons, games and more for grades K-12!
Have a fun and FREE resource to share with other educators? Send me a link so I can share it here!
Kindergarten-2nd Grade:

I love this unique way to practice addition and subtraction from The Measured Mom! All you need are some dice and markers.
And this simple tic-tac-toe type game is a fun and low prep way to work on fraction recognition by matching the fraction to the correct picture.
3rd-5th Grade:

If you’re looking for multiplication and division practice, this pack is over 50 pages!
I also love this number sense activity to help kids understand multiplying and dividing decimals. This can be sure a hard concept to master! (Scroll to the bottom and look for the “click here”)
And this post has some great ideas and resources for teaching and encouraging personal financial responsibility in kids!
6th Grade+:

I love these fun Algebra mazes from Teaching High School Math! This would be much more fun than a traditional worksheet, but still provides much needed practice. 🙂
I also discovered a new site this week: Learn Math Fast. I haven’t looked at or tried their books, but there are quite a few fun freebies. I especially love this Math crossword puzzle. You can also find practice worksheets here for all grades.
And that’s all for this week! Looking for more free math resources? Subscribe to my weekly email newsletter to get access to freebies I don’t share anywhere else!
Or check out all the past round ups here for more free goodies!
Have a great weekend! 🙂