Math About Me: By the Numbers

Find a simple and low-prep way to ease your students back into a math routine with this “math about me” challenge for kids. There are 3 different levels, making it easy to find the right fit for your kids in grades 2-6!

Although the first few days of school have to include things like procedures, schedules, and learning routines and expectations, you should also try to fit in time for fun. Setting the tone for your year and helping establish certain things right from the start will set your kids up for math success all year long. These include making sure your kids know that you care about them and want to get to know them, and helping them to see math as something engaging and fun. Hopefully this math activity combines the two and will be a way to use your first days back to school to engage your kids and review important math skills and vocabulary at the same time.

Math About Me: By the Numbers

This activity includes three different levels, so you can use this with kids in 2nd grade up to 6th or 7th grade.

But everyone begins the same way: filling out the “about me by the numbers” page.

This initial page will provide the numbers each student will use to solve the set of math problems provided.

You can also use this ‘about me’ page to get to know each other and give students some time to share with the group if they want. You can also compare and contrast the answers, such as shoe size. Many students likely have the same shoe size, but you’ll probably have some outliers as well.

Kids will probably be most interested in sharing about their pets, especially the younger kids.

One thing to note: This page includes a space to write their age in months. If you have 2nd or 3rd graders, you’ll want to help them with this by discussing how many months are in a year and then adding groups of 12 or introducing multiplication with a visual such as an array or area model.

By the Numbers Word Problems

Once each student has filled out their ‘math about me’ page with their own answers, pass out the corresponding word problems.

There are 3 different levels included. Choose and print the level that works best for your students.

Each level requires students to use the answers from their ‘about me’ page to solve each problem. This provides an easy way to review math terms such as ‘sum,’ ‘product,’ ‘difference,’ etc. and practice computation.

Level three also includes a review of ratios.

Once students have completed their problems, discuss as a whole group and work through some of their answers, or have them pair up with a partner to discuss and compare.

Extending the Challenge:

To further push your students, encourage them to come up with their own problems using the ‘about me’ page. Then swap problems with a partner and solve.

And if you find that none of the word problem pages work for your particular needs, you can write your own problems to present to your students after they’ve filled out their ‘about me’ pages.

Lastly, remember that the goals of this activity:

  • Get to know your students and help them get to know each other
  • Encourage your students to engage in math thinking and conversation
  • Reviewing key math skills and vocabulary

Hopefully this provides a nice way to ease into the year, while still getting some math time into your first days back to school!

Love this idea and looking for more Back to School Math Challenges? You might be interested in the entire Back to School Math Collection! This includes 12 different activities, with different levels to help you differentiate. Plus, there are digital versions of 5 of the activities in case you prefer to go paperless or have students learning virtually.


Ready to try out this back to school math activity with your students? Just click the link below to grab it free from my shop. I hope you and your students enjoy it!

{Click HERE to go to my shop and grab the About Me: By the Numbers Challenge for Back to School!}

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