My Blogging Journey
The idea for this blog came to me about a year and a half ago. I was on This Reading Mama’s site (as I often am) trying to get some of my questions answered about teaching my daughter to read. As I continued to explore her site and read her story, it hit me. She has taken her knowledge and passion, and turned it into a website and business that is a huge blessing to teachers and homeschoolers like me! “Surely, I could do that too,” I thought.
I love math. I love teaching math. I love helping others love and teach math! I also know how hard it can be to find good quality teaching materials for free (because trust me, I never had the money to pay for lessons and worksheets when I was in the classroom, and still don’t as a stay at home, homeschooling mom!).
Once I decided to give this blogging thing a try, I set out to research as much as I possibly could so that I could do things “right” from the start. I knew a little about blogging already (mostly from Crystal Paine, another huge influence in my life!), and knew I wanted to avoid costly or time-consuming mistakes, if possible. So I read anything I could get my hands on, and took copious notes. At the time, I probably read 3-4 books on blogging, some good, some just ok. But even the best resources left me with more questions than answers. I knew a lot of general information, like writing good content, and taking good pictures, etc. but often a book would suggest doing “x,y, and z” without actually explaining how to do that.
Then I got an email from Abby Lawson that she was releasing a book ALL.ABOUT.BLOGGING. She had only been at it for a year, yet had already accomplished SO much, and was actually making money for her family! I couldn’t believe she was going to share her secrets! So I bought her book last June, and even though I continue to read other books or articles, nothing comes close to the comprehensive, step by step approach of Building a Framework.
I finally got around to setting up and launching this site at the beginning of March, and let me tell you, I don’t know that I could have done it without her book. It is so readable and helpful that I would often have it open as I walked through each step! She really makes it so easy, and is so honest in not only her successes, but also her mistakes, helping readers (hopefully) avoid some of them.
I’m also incredibly motivated by following her journey and reading her book, because she is a real mom, who started with zero blogging knowledge, and yet she has turned her little blog into a full-time income. Not only that, but now (after 2 years of blogging), her husband is able to stay home and work with her too, and they make a six-figure income! In just two years of blogging!
So whenever I am feeling frustrated, or like my small site is going nowhere, I look at her, and the success she has had by continuing to learn and persevere.
I understand that blogging is not something that can happen and become successful overnight. But if you are willing to put in the time, effort and passion to share your knowledge or voice with the world, it can be very profitable! And so much FUN!
I’m still learning and trying to figure this blogging thing out, and while I may not see the same success or make the money that she and others make, I still enjoy it! It gives me a chance to share my passion with others, and hopefully help parents and teachers make math fun. 🙂
If you are interested in Abby’s book, she has released a brand new, updated version that is jam-packed with information! In addition, there are so many great extras (video tutorials and interviews with experts) that she’s created to go along with it! I encourage you to check it out here.
If you’re not sure what all the different packages are about, or if you’re thinking that it seems like a lot of money, let me just say that if you are brand new, it is worth it. (And if you compare it to other blogging trainings or conferences-that can cost $400-$1,000 or more-it is a STEAL!). Plus, if you buy now, you will get any future updates, and any new videos or interviews for free. So this is a one time commitment!
So what do you think? Have you ever considered blogging? Do you have some knowledge or passion that could be beneficial to others? Are you looking for a creative outlet? While blogging is a lot of work, it can also be very rewarding, especially if you are able to help or reach even just one person. 🙂 I’d love to hear your thoughts!
~Math Geek Mama
*Please Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and help support the work of this site. Thanks for understanding! Feel free to read our full disclosure policy here.*
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