Have You Checked Out Noodle Education?


Have you heard of the education website Noodle Education? I’ve been exploring the site quite a bit and I have to say, it seems to be a wealth of information regarding all different aspects of education! There are tips and advice for finding schools from preschool all the way to college, as well as a simple place to search for tutors, no matter what subject. If you are not familiar with the site, I thought I would tell you about some of the features that I like the most.

1. You can save searches and articles of interest. 

When you register to be a part of the Noodle community {it’s free to sign up, just submit your email and a password after clicking “Sign Up” in the top right corner},

Noodle Sign Up Screen

you can search for particular topics such as finding a quality preschool, or understanding the common core, and you can save those searches or articles you are following and it will all be available in your dashboard. If there’s an article or question that you are interested in and want to know whenever there are other answers to it, you can save or “follow” so that you will have easy access to it later.

2. You can submit a specific question on any education topic and receive answers from “Noodle experts.”

Once you are logged in, you can submit a question about education, tutoring, college, common core, or any other education topic. Again, you just click the button at the top right of your dashboard:

Noodle Education Ask a Question Screen

If you don’t feel comfortable putting yourself out there, you can check “submit anonymously.” This may be especially helpful if you have a question about how things are done in your specific state, concerns or questions you have about common core testing, or specific questions about college applications, costs or comparisons.

3. You can search all tutoring sites in one place.

I have spent a lot of time tutoring students in math subjects from elementary school through high school, and I have gone about finding students a lot of different ways. Depending on what you’re looking for, you may want online tutoring, a local tutoring business, or a local tutor who can meet with your child in person. There are TONS of places online to find these various tutors, but at Noodle, all those tutors (online, in person, and tutoring facilities) will all come up in one search. Most will even tell you what they charge!

If you feel like your child may need a math tutor (or a tutor for any other subject, for that matter) I recommend starting here. You can narrow your search by subject, etc.

I hope you find this helpful! And be sure to sign up to get the most out of your experience!

~Math Geek Mama

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